Day-to-Day Costs

While people are working harder than ever to afford the cost of daily necessities —from health care, to gas, to groceries— and pay their bills, Republicans in Congress continue to attempt to block policies that lower day-to-day costs for working class families. 

Getting ahead has never been more challenging. And instead of fighting for lower costs, Representatives Ciscomani and Schweikert continuously stand in the way of efforts to make things more affordable. From voting against a bill that caps insulin costs at $35 for seniors to voting against the PRO Act which strengthens workers’ rights, Schweikert has turned his back against his constituents in AZ-01 time and time again. And in this new Congress, Arizona Representatives Schweikert and Ciscomani voted against a critical tool that lowers gas prices for working families. 

Whether it’s lowering health care costs or ending gas price gouging, we demand that our elected representatives work for Arizonans by making life more affordable for us – not corporations and the wealthy.  

We’re interested in hearing from you: Do you or your family struggle with the high cost of health care, gas, or other goods? If so, please share your story.