ICYMI: Arizona Families Benefit From Cost-Saving Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Tax Credits That Congressman Schweikert Voted Against & Now Wants to Repeal

PHOENIX — In a new opinion piece, an Arizona mom shares steps she’s taken to lower her power bill and encourages other families to take advantage of cost-saving tax credits in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Unfortunately, Congressman Schweikert voted against the Inflation Reduction Act and the Republican Study Committee (RSC) that he is a member of a group that recently proposed eliminating Inflation Reduction Act tax credits that are helping Arizona families save money.

In the Arizona Capitol Times, Rachel wrote:

“..like countless households across Arizona, we recognize that if there’s one expense that can make or break a household, it’s the dreaded power bill. 

“We’ve mastered the time-of-use rate that our utility, Salt River Project (SRP), provides, and we’ve invested in energy-efficient appliances to mitigate costs. Recently, we took advantage of federal rebates to replace our three aging AC units, a decision we hope will yield long-term savings. Additionally, we made the leap to solar energy by installing panels at the close of 2021. While the array of options available at the time was more limited, the impact on our utility bills has been tangible, especially as SRP rates continue their upward trajectory. 

“As we look to further upgrade the efficiency of our home, I am happy to see that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which became law last year, and the slightly older Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), have a variety of additional incentives that can help our family upgrade to energy-efficient windows and install solar power banking to make the best use of our solar panels. For those who haven’t invested in solar installations or a new HVAC, the IRA has expanded new incentives covering up to 30 percent of the cost of these home improvements. 

“As the heat of summer approaches, there are ways to lower families’ tax burdens and reduce yearly energy costs at the same time. From attic insulation to energy-efficient appliances to installing rooftop solar, there are a lot of options— and just as many opportunities to further reduce costs.”


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