Advancing AZ Ad ‘Struck a Nerve’ With Schweikert

PHOENIX — Advancing AZ executive director Andrea Moreno released the following statement after the American Independent reported that Congressman David Schweikert, speaking on the House floor, threatened the ‘end of the Republic’ and referenced an ad that the nonpartisan group made about his many votes to cut Social Security and Medicare:

"Our ad struck a nerve with Congressman Schweikert because what we said was true: he's voted to cut Social Security and Medicare that his constituents depend on. If the Congressman has a problem with what was said, he needs to do better. Thousands of Arizonans in his district rely on these hard-earned benefits to better afford retirement and access health care."

Advancing AZ has released two ads this year highlighting Congressman Schweikert's voting record on Social Security and Medicare. 


Advancing AZ