Arizona Advocates to Schweikert: Stop Support MAGA Agenda to Shut Down Government, Hurt Arizonans

PHOENIX —  Congressman Schweikert on Saturday joined MAGA extremists and voted against a bipartisan bill to keep the federal government open, which would have make life more expensive for Arizonans.

Schweikert also voted for a bill to cut services for Arizonans which would have: 

  • Make it harder for approximately 1,543,000 Arizonans who rely on Social Security to access their benefits

  • Degrade Medicare services by cutting funds for the administration of the Medicare program, which would force roughly 1,446,000 seniors and people with disabilities in Arizona to endure longer wait times

  • Deny 8,000 Arizona workers access to job training and employment services by cutting $4 billion for job training programs at the Department of Labor

If Schweikert had succeeded in undermining the bipartisan bill to keep the government open:

Honest Arizona, Progress AZ, Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans, MoveOn, and Indivisible released the following statement calling out Congressman David Schweikert for trying to force a government shutdown in an attempt to pass extreme budget cuts:

“Congressman David Schweikert showed his true colors on Saturday by voting for a crippling shutdown of the federal government. If Schweikert had been successful, this shutdown would have been the fourth one he’s been responsible for since being sworn in as Congressman. It couldn’t be any clearer that he’s not looking out for the best interests of Arizonans. He needs to stop his radical agenda of cutting everything from border security to privatizing Medicare and start working to put Arizonans first. 


Advancing AZ