Honest Arizona is a grassroots coalition of hardworking Arizona families, small business owners, teachers, veterans, and retirees. We expect our elected officials to look out for us.

But politicians in Washington like Congressman Juan Ciscomani support policies that would tilt the playing field against us. They vote to protect millionaires who cheat on their taxes but oppose lowering costs for hardworking Arizonans like us.

H.R. 812 would repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, undoing popular cost-saving measures, like prescription drug price caps and energy efficiency tax credits, while at the same time making it easier for the wealthy and corporations to cheat on their taxes.


Juan Ciscomani promised to look out for the little guy.

Instead, he voted to protect millionaires who cheat on their taxes.”


Share Your Story

Just like we've heard from your friends and neighbors, we want to hear from you about how decisions made in Congress are affecting you and your family.

Tell us how you and your loved ones would be affected by laws that affect those at the top instead of the rest of us.