Arizonans, Advocates Call Out Ciscomani's Record Threatening Social Security & Medicare

TUCSON — Honest Arizona, along with Americans for Tax Fairness, PCCC, Social Security Works and local advocates for protecting Social Security and Medicare, called out Congressman Juan Ciscomani for his record of threatening the hard-earned benefits that older Arizonans rely on to comfortably enjoy retirement.

Congressman Ciscomani, along with all of the Republicans in the Arizona congressional delegation, voted multiple times to make it easier for the wealthy and corporations to cheat on their taxes – money that could be used to strengthen Social Security and Medicare for current and future retirees. Ciscomani also supported a funding bill that would cut funding for the Social Security Administration, potentially making it more difficult for Arizonans to access their benefits. Ciscomani is also a member of the Republican Study Committee that proposed severe cuts to Social Security.

In a prepared statement, Congressman Grijalva said:

"Now more than ever it is important to show the American people exactly where we stand on Social Security. This is our landmark American program. People work hard, pay-in, and know it will be there for them – no matter what. Often it's the only source of income for seniors in this country. And despite its success, Republicans time after time demonstrate their desires to cut Social Security, to pay for their tax cuts to billionaires and billionaire corporations."

Honest Arizona Executive Director Andrea Moreno said:

"As a mother, I think about my ability to provide for my family now and into the future. That means making sure that I and eventually my children have access to Social Security and Medicare when we're all older. Unfortunately, Congressman Ciscomani votes to give tax breaks to those at the very top while threatening Social Security and Medicare's future. Arizonans expect our leaders to support Social Security and Medicare and that's why we're calling on Congressman Ciscomani to pledge to defend those hard-earned benefits and not threaten them with future cuts."

The U.S. government faces a funding deadline in early March. Advocates also urged Congressman Ciscomani not to use that deadline as an opportunity to impose severe cuts on Social Security or Medicare. 

Representatives for Steve Valencia, the Arizona Chair of Jobs with Justice, and Tucson local Henry Trejo also attended.


Advancing AZ