Arizonans, Advocates Call Out Schwikert’s Record Of Voting to Cut Social Security Or Medicare 12 Times

PHOENIX — Honest Arizona, along with Americans for Tax Fairness, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Social Security Works, the Arizona Reliance of Retired Americans, and local advocates for protecting Social Security and Medicare, called out Congressman David Schweikert for his record of voting to cut Social Security or Medicare 12 times, spanning his entire career in Congress.

In addition, Congressman Schweikert, along with all of the Republicans in the Arizona congressional delegation, voted multiple times to make it easier for the wealthy and corporations to cheat on their taxes – money that could be used to strengthen Social Security and Medicare for current and future retirees. He’s also sponsored a bill to create a fiscal commission, which could be used as a backroom way to propose cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

Linda Somo, President of the Arizona Alliance of Retired Americans:

“For two-thirds of current Social Security beneficiaries across the country, 50% of their income is from Social Security. Retirees have earned their benefits over a lifetime of work. Our leaders owe it to retirees to protect Social Security by making billionaires pay their fair share into the program.”

Andrea Moreno, Honest Arizona Executive Director:

"Congressman Schweikert has spent his career in Congress threatening the hard-earned benefits of Arizona retirees and future generations. On top of that, he’s pushing for a closed-door commission that Republican House members could use to cut Social Security and Medicare. Arizonans want Congressman Schweikert to stop threatening to cut Social Security and Medicare and start looking out for his constituents who depend on these programs today and into the future.”

The U.S. government faces  government funding deadlines in early March. Advocates also urged Congressman Schweikert not to vote for  severe cuts to Social Security or Medicare access if they are included in government funding bills. 


Advancing AZ