As Congress Weighs Schweikert’s Fiscal Commission, Arizonans Demand He Protect Social Security and Medicare

PHOENIX — The U.S. House Budget Committee held a hearing today on a bill sponsored by Congressman David Schweikert to create a fiscal commission, potentially headed by Schweikert himself, and Arizonans are demanding that the Congressman protect Social Security and Medicare for current and future recipients.

Congressman Schweikert has voted 12 times to cut Social Security or Medicare, which he claims are necessary to reduce the deficit. Yet earlier this year, he voted to make it harder for the IRS to target wealthy tax cheats who have avoided paying their fair share in taxes which would in term reduce the deficit.

According to Max Richtman, the President & CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, “the kind of commission [Speaker] Johnson announced is designed to give Congress political cover for cutting Americans’ earned benefits. That is why these commissions have been rightly described as ‘death panels’ for Social Security and Medicare.”

“When Congress proposes fiscal commissions they often use that as an excuse to try to cut the Social Security and Medicare that Arizona seniors like me rely upon,” said Linda Somo, president of the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and a resident of the congressional district Schweikert represents. “Congressman Schweikert: start looking out for Arizona seniors who you swore an oath to represent and stop threatening to cut our benefits.”

“Congressman Schweikert says he supports fiscal responsibility, but he shields the wealthiest Americans and corporations from accountability and gives them tax breaks while repeatedly voting to make hardworking Arizonans’ pay the price,” said Andrea Moreno, executive director of Honest Arizona. "Instead of dismantling Social Security and Medicare security through a fiscal commission, Congressman Schweikert should vote to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations.”


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