Ciscomani’s Vote for Extremist Jordan Shows He Isn't the Moderate He Claims He Is

TUCSON — Congressman Juan Ciscomani voted for Jim Jordan as the next Speaker of the House only after Jordan proposed across the board cuts that would impact health care, housing, support for small businesses, nutrition assistance, and many other services that Arizonans rely on.

Jordan yesterday announced a plan to impose across the board spending cuts ahead of the upcoming government funding deadline, and this morning Congressman Ciscomani voted for the extremist Speaker candidate, who authored a national ban on abortion and voted for the 2017 Trump tax bill that gave massive tax giveaways to those at the top while doing very little for everyone else.

Ciscomani and Jordan have both voted to cut critical services in exchange for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.

“By backing Jim Jordan for Speaker, Congressman Juan Ciscomani is proving he is not the moderate he wants us to believe he is. During his short time in office, he has doubled down on his commitment to unpopular tax breaks for billionaires and corporations while cutting access to health care and housing for everyone else,” said Andrea Moreno, Executive Director of Honest Arizona. “Congressman Ciscomani needs to stop voting against the interest of Arizonans and start looking out for the people he swore an oath to represent.”


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