3 Questions for Ciscomani Ahead of Today’s Congressional Forum

TUCSON — Ahead of the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s bipartisan congressional forum this afternoon, constituents have a few questions for  Rep. Ciscomani about taxes and his failed record on supporting small businesses—especially after he refused to respond to press questions about the year-old Inflation Reduction Act that is already benefiting Arizonans:

  1. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, budget cuts in recent years have made it harder for the IRS to audit millionaires, billionaires, and huge corporations who usually have more complex filings that make it easier to shield their income from taxation. Why did you vote earlier this year to cut new funding that will ensure the wealthiest and huge corporations pay their fair share?

  1. Earlier this year, you voted for a bill that would have cut federal funding across the board, including cuts to the Small Business Administration that would have impacted the agency's ability to support small businesses. How are small businesses expected to succeed when you vote to cut federal support? Why did you vote for that bill when it would hurt so many Arizonans?

  1. Huge companies like Nike and AT&T have gotten away with paying $0 or less in taxes in the last few years. The Inflation Reduction Act included the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax—which forces the highest earning corporations to finally pay a minimum  of 15% in taxes instead of continuing to avoid paying their fair share altogether. Now, these companies  are trying to undermine Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax to lessen or eliminate it altogether before it goes into effect. Do you support the full implementation of the corporate minimum tax, thereby making sure that wealthy corporations pay their fair share? 


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