Honest Arizona Delivers Petitions to Schweikert and Ciscomani Urging a ‘No’ Vote on GOP Tax Scam

PHOENIX — With House Republicans planning to vote in the coming days to lock in tax breaks for wealthy Americans and big corporations, Honest Arizona today delivered petitions to the offices of Congressmen David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani urging them to vote 'no’ on the House floor.

The tax scam bill Republicans hope to pass would give billions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and corporations while doing next to nothing for low- and middle-income Americans. Congressman Schweikert already voted for this extreme bill to pass through committee.

The signed petitions stated that the tax scam bill would "tilt the playing field even more in their favor, giving the richest 1% of Americans over $28 billion and giving foreign investors who own stock in American companies nearly $24 billion in tax cuts." The bill could be brought to the House floor as soon as this week.

“Congressmen Schweikert and Ciscomani promised to stand up for their constituents, but this tax scam bill their party is trying to pass would do the opposite,” Honest Arizona executive director Andrea Moreno said. “Schweikert and Ciscomani must vote against this bill and urge their colleagues to stop putting wealthy Americans and corporations ahead of the rest of us.”


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