Honest Arizona, RAZE Host Discussion About Issues Facing Southern Arizonans at Rural Roundtable

TUCSON — Honest Arizona hosted a rural roundtable in Sierra Vista on Tuesday to highlight how policies enacted at the federal level, like the Inflation Reduction Act, impact rural Arizonans.

Honest Arizona was joined by Rural Arizona Engagement (RAZE) as well as other local community leaders to talk about how these policies impact access to health care, cost of living, and job creation in rural Arizona.

Panelists talked about job growth, veterans services and how federal policy decisions impact those living in rural Arizona. 

The Inflation Reduction Act, which was enacted in 2022 and which Congressman Juan Ciscomani verbally opposed before being sworn into office, invests millions of dollars in rural Arizona by expanding the Rural Electrification for America Program (REAP). The law also caps the cost of insulin for Medicare recipients and empowers Medicare to negotiate cheaper prescription drug prices with pharmaceutical corporations.

“Rural Arizonans often feel looked over and left behind by elected leaders, but we wanted to give them an opportunity to share their stories and talk about the solutions that the Inflation Reduction Act provides,” said Andrea Moreno, Executive Director of Honest Arizona. “We urge Congressman Ciscomani to support efforts to strengthen rural Arizona communities and to fight back against efforts to dismantle the Inflation Reduction Act.”


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