Republicans Already Talking About Extending GOP Tax Scam Early Next Year

Ciscomani, Schweikert Key to Extending GOP Tax Scam

PHOENIX —House Republican leaders are counting on their conference members, including Congressmen David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani, to extend the 2017 GOP tax scam that cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations while doing virtually nothing for working Arizonans.

According to Punchbowl News:

“House Majority Leader Steve Scalise told us in an interview this afternoon that if Republicans control the White House and Congress next year, he wants the GOP to extend the 2017 Trump tax cuts during the first 100 days of Donald Trump’s new term as president.”

Schweikert voted for the GOP tax scam in 2017. Both he and Ciscomani voted for more corporate tax breaks last year, and both support H.R. 4721 that would cut taxes for the richest 1 percent by roughly $34 billion in 2026 alone.

“Arizonans expect their elected representatives to lower their costs, not give tax breaks to those at the very top,” said Andrea Moreno, Executive Director of Honest Arizona. “Congressman Schweikert and Ciscomani need to make it clear to their colleagues now that they won't support a tax plan that benefits the wealthy while doing next to nothing for their constituents.”


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