Honest Arizona Releases New Video Showing Ciscomani’s True Record of Opposing Arizonans’ Priorities and Helping Rich Tax Cheats

TUCSON — Honest Arizona and constituents from Arizona’s Sixth Congressional District released a new video to reveal Congressman Juan Ciscomani’s true record in Washington: voting to cut health care and education for working families while trying to protect wealthy tax cheats.

The video, entitled The People’s Minute, is modeled on Ciscomani’s own video series, The Ciscomani Minute. The People’s Minute, however, reveals the parts of the Congressman’s record that he fails to mention to his constituents.

Over the past year, the Congressman has voted to protect tax cheats while working to dismantle measures like the Inflation Reduction Act that lower costs for Arizonans.

“Congressman Ciscomani needs to be honest with Arizonans about his true record: he’s voted to cut key provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act while trying to make it easier for wealthy tax cheats to avoid paying their fair share,” said Andrea Moreno, Executive Director of Honest Arizona. “The people have spoken: they want Congressman Ciscomani to do what’s best for them, not wealthy tax cheats.”


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