ICYMI: Americans Oppose Ciscomani's Spending Cuts

PHOENIX — Americans overwhelmingly oppose spending cuts that Congressman Juan Ciscomani voted in favor of in a series of funding bills that passed the Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee and the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations Subcommittee.

According to Navigator, "Republican-proposed cuts are deeply unpopular, especially those aimed at Social Security, nutrition assistance, education, clean water, and medical research funding." Most notably, 77 percent of respondents said they oppose cuts that could double Social Security wait times.

"Arizonans expect Congressman Juan Ciscomani to use his seat on the Appropriations Committee to look out for their priorities, but instead he’s voted for unpopular cuts that would make their lives harder while supporting efforts to benefit the wealthy," said Sylvia González-Andersh, an Arizona veteran. "Congressman Ciscomani should start looking out for Arizona seniors and vote against these extreme cuts if these bills come up for a vote on the House floor."


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