ICYMI: Schweikert Touts Bipartisan PACT Act After Voting Against It Twice

PHOENIX —  Congressman David Schweikert voted against the bipartisan PACT Act to provide health care coverage to veterans exposed to toxic burn pits, but now he is touting the measure and encourages veterans to sign up to receive benefits—a slap in the face to the estimated 41,000 veterans who live in Arizona’s first congressional district.

According to Business Insider:

“Last year, Rep. David Schweikert voted not once, but twice against a bill to provide health benefits to veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during their service.

“Now, the Arizona Republican is urging his constituents to sign up for the benefits created by that same legislation.”

"Congressman Schweikert's habit of saying he's standing up for his constituents despite voting against them in Congress continues," said Andrea Moreno, executive director of Honest Arizona. "It's time for the Congressman to start looking out for his constituents’ best interests, especially for veterans who put themselves in harm's way on behalf of their country."

While there is no deadline to submit PACT Act claims, Monday offered veterans an opportunity to file for backdated benefits.


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