Republicans Consider Painful Spending Cuts to Pay for Tax Breaks for Wealthy

PHOENIX —Congressional Republicans are looking to make cuts to cover the cost of extending trillions of dollars of tax cuts from the 2017 GOP Tax Law that "concentrated the largest cuts for the wealthiest individuals."

Many provisions of the 2017 GOP Tax Law that provided massive giveaways for the wealthy while doing next to nothing for everyone else are set to expire at the end of this year, but extending and possibly expanding them is the top priority for the new GOP-controlled Congress. However, to extend the tax cuts for the wealthy, Republicans are looking to make stiff cuts to other services that millions rely on.

According to the Washington Post, Republicans are looking to make up the revenue lost by further cutting taxes by:

“While Republicans like David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani are pushing to protect tax breaks for the wealthy, they are considering dismantling critical programs—like Medicaid, education, and nutrition assistance that so many Arizonans depend on—or letting tariffs go into effect that will send prices of critical goods soaring for all of us,” said Andrea Moreno, Executive Director of Honest Arizona. “Ciscomani and Schweikert need to prioritize the needs of their constituents, not those at the top who are trying to tilt the playing field in their own favor.”

Arizonans can find out more about the GOP Tax Law HERE.


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