Schweikert & Ciscomani Vote To Let Trump Raise Prices on Arizonans and Threaten Critical Services to Fund Tax Breaks for Wealthy

— Honest Arizona Executive Director Andrea Moreno released the following statement after Congressmen David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani voted today to give President Trump unprecedented authority to raise prices on Arizonans, cut funds for food and rental assistance, jeopardize seniors’ access to Social Security, and make it harder for veterans to access health care, all to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and corporations:

“President Trump's tariffs are raising costs for Arizonans, and his roiling of the stock market is threatening the retirement accounts of thousands of Arizona workers—pushing the economy toward a recession. Instead of standing up to this deliberate economic uncertainty and protecting services that working Arizonans rely on, Congressmen Ciscomani and Schweikert voted to give even more power to President Trump to impose tariffs and threaten seniors’ access to their Social Security checks and the health care that veterans deserve – all to pay for tax cuts for the uber wealthy and big business. Congressman Ciscomani and Schweikert need to start standing up for working Arizonans, not billionaires and corporations.”


Advancing AZ