Schweikert, Ciscomani Hurt Arizonans Economically by Voting Against Abortion Care

PHOENIX — Congressman David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani's anti-abortion stances threaten Arizonans' economic security and break a major promise that both elected leaders made about looking out for the economic well-being of their constituents.

Both Schweikert and Ciscomani voted for an anti-abortion bill that would threaten to put doctors in prison, and earlier this month, Congressman Ciscomani also voted to ban the delivery of an FDA-approved abortion medication by mail.

According to the Economic Policy Institute, people who are denied an abortion are more likely to be living in poverty even four years after, are less likely to be employed full-time, and face more unpaid debts and financial distress years later.

“Congressman Schweikert and Ciscomani say they're looking out for their constituents' best interests, but their record on abortion hurts Arizonans who are trying to get ahead,” said Honest Arizona executive director Andrea Moreno. “Schweikert and Ciscomani need to recognize that their record isn't serving their constituents and it’s time they start looking out for the families they promised to serve”


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