Six Years After Passage of GOP Tax Scam, Schweikert, Ciscomani Still Vote to Put Corporations and Wealthy Ahead of Arizonans

PHOENIX —  Six years to the day since House Republicans sent the GOP Tax Scam to President Trump's desk, Honest Arizona’s Executive Director Andrea Moreno today released the following statement on Congressmen Juan Ciscomani and David Schweikert's votes for tax giveaways to the rich and higher costs for everyone else:

“Congressmen Schweikert and Ciscomani have put the wealthy and corporations ahead of Arizonans vote after vote this past year. In the coming months they're going to be put to the test once more when the GOP looks to extend their tax scam,: yet again threatening to prioritize the interests of  those at the top over working families. Schweikert and Ciscomani need to put their constituents first by voting to protect access to health care, defend Social Security and Medicare, and crack down on wealthy tax cheats instead of protecting bad actors. I hope 2024 will be a better year for the constituents of Schwiekert and Ciscomani and that both Congressman vote against tilting the playing board even more in the favor of the wealthy.”


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