Six Years Later, the Trump Tax Scam that Schweikert Voted for Widens the Wealth Gap

PHOENIX — In the six years since Congressman Schweikert voted for the Trump tax scam, he and his colleagues have threatened to make many of its provisions permanent, which experts say will increase the deficit and increase the wealth gap between those at the top and everyone else.

According to Reuters:

“‘Permanently extending the cuts would benefit households in the top 1% more than twice as much as those in the bottom 60% as a share of their incomes-providing a roughly $41,000 annual tax cut for the top 1% compared to $500 for households in the bottom 60%, on average-at a cost of around $300 billion per year,’ [said Samantha Jacoby, senior tax legal analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities].”

“Congressman Schweikert supports tax breaks for the wealthiest of the wealthy and the biggest corporations while cutting the legs out from the rest of us, especially seniors on fixed incomes who rely on Social Security and Medicare,” said Andrea Moreno, executive director of Honest Arizona. “Congressman Schweikert needs to stop voting for these cuts and start looking out for the people he's actually supposed to represent.”


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