VIDEO: Honest Arizona Launches Grassroots Effort To Hold Congressman Schweikert Accountable for Failing Arizonans

PHOENIX —  Honest Arizona today was joined by local leaders as well as residents of Arizona’s First Congressional District as they launched their grassroots campaign to hold Congressman David Schweikert accountable for breaking his promise to Arizonans by siding with big corporations and the ultra-wealthy while voting to make life more expensive for working Arizonans and seniors.

The campaign will be a multi-million dollar grassroots effort to hold the Congressman accountable for breaking his promise to Arizona voters and voting a dozen times to cut Social Security or Medicare. Honest Arizona is also employing a mobile billboard that will travel throughout the district today to give residents an opportunity to learn more about the Congressman’s record.

“Congressman Schweikert has not been looking out for working Arizonans like me. In fact, he has voted six times to cut Social Security and even supports raising the retirement age”, said Ricardo Reyes, a Marine Corps veteran who lives in the First Congressional District. “This is unacceptable. Social Security is not a handout; it is a promise that was made to hard working Americans like me.”

In addition to the dozens of constituents from Congressman Schweikert’s district who turned out today, Honest Arizona was joined by Arizona State Representative Athena Salman, Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans, Indivisible Arizona, and Vets Forward.

Video of today’s launch event is available online HERE.


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