VIDEO: Honest Arizona Launches Grassroots Effort To Hold Congressman Ciscomani Accountable for Failing Arizonans

TUCSON —  Honest Arizona today launched its campaign to hold Congressman Juan Ciscomani accountable for siding with corporations and wealthy tax cheats over working people in Arizona, most recently by voting for the “Default on America Act” that made severe cuts to health care and other services for seniors, veterans, and families.

Standing outside of the IRS office in Tucson, Honest Arizona executive director Andrea Moreno pointed out that one of Congressman Ciscomani’s first votes in Congress was to protect wealthy tax cheats, while simultaneously opposing tax cuts for working families.

She was joined by representatives from Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans, VetsForward, and Arizona Indivisible.

"Representative Ciscomani voted to cut 22% of the Social Security Administration’s budget and local Social Security offices will have to close and lay off their staff," said Dora Vasquez from Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans. "That means seniors will have to wait even longer to get answers to questions about their earned Social Security and Medicare benefits.”

Sue Ritz with VetsForward called out the Congressman for voting to cut the VA’s budget by 22 percent. “As a veteran, this is not what I fought for,” said Ritz.

The group also presented a giant check for $6 billion, representing the amount in tax breaks that Congressman Ciscomani voted to give oil and gas corporations.

Video of today’s launch event is available online HERE.


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