ICYMI: Americans Feel Financial Insecurity, Schweikert Thinks Arizonans Should Wait to Retire

PHOENIX — A new report finds that one-fifth of Americans think they'll never be able to retire, a feeling of financial insecurity made worse by Congressman Schweikert's comments that Americans should expect to work longer and wait to retire.

According to a new Axios/Ipsos poll: “One in five Americans don’t think they’ll ever retire. Among the people who don’t think they’ll ever retire, a decisive majority (70%) say that they won’t ever retire because they can’t or won’t be able to afford to retire, versus 19% of people who just don’t want to retire (an additional 10% picked ‘other’ as a response).”

Congressman Schweikert voted 12 times to cut Social Security or Medicare, which millions of Americans rely on to afford retirement. He said last year that “people should stay in the workforce longer” instead of retiring.

"Congressman Schweikert consistently votes to make it harder for Arizonans to retire and then says that people should wait to retire," said Andrea Moreno, executive director of Honest Arizona. "Schweikert needs to stop playing politics with people's hard-earned benefits and work to make it easier for seniors to afford retirement."


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