NEW AD: Arizona Veteran Calls Out Congressman Ciscomani’s ‘Disappointing’ Record Favoring Wealthy Tax Cheats Over Arizonans

TUCSON — Advancing AZ today released a new ad featuring a veteran and daughter of a Mexican immigrant father who lives in Arizona’s Sixth Congressional District and who calls out Congressman Juan Ciscomani for siding with billionaire tax cheats after opposing tax breaks for working Arizonans.

Congressman Ciscomani last year said he opposed the Inflation Reduction Act and has since voted to overturn many of the law’s provisions, including funding to empower the IRS to crack down on wealthy and corporate tax cheats.

In Honest Arizona’s new ad, Sylvia tells the story of how her family embodies “the promise of America,” but that promise is under threat by elected leaders, like Ciscomani, who fail to look out for their constituents’ best interests. Sylvia believes the Congressman should start looking out for working Arizonans instead of siding with the wealthy and corporations.

Sylvia says: 

“My dad was a farm worker who never learned to read.

“He came to this country dreaming of a better life.

“In one generation his kids became doctors, lawyers, and I joined the United States military.

“That’s the promise of America.

“But Congressman Ciscomani voted to protect millionaires who cheat on their taxes, but opposed tax breaks for people like me.

“And that’s why I’m so disappointed with Juan Ciscomani.” 

The new ad from Advancing AZ is online HERE.


Advancing AZ