NEW AD: Arizonan to Ciscomani: Make the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share

TUCSON — Advancing AZ continued its multi-million dollar grassroots campaign today and launched a new ad featuring a veteran, a baker, and a teacher who all live in Congressman Juan Ciscomani's district and who have been disappointed by the Congressman's decision to side with wealthy tax cheats instead of helping his constituents.

Last week marked the one year anniversary of Congressman Ciscomani’s first vote to shield wealthy tax cheats from IRS scrutiny. Since then, he has voted six additional times to strip the funding that enables the IRS to go after wealthy earners and corporations who often use complicated filings to avoid paying their fair share.

Ciscomani opposed the Inflation Reduction Act, which provides tax cuts for lower and middle income Arizonans. He has voted for multiple bills this year that would undo much of the progress achieved by the Inflation Reduction Act, including provisions that lower energy costs.

Ad Script:


“What do a veteran, a baker and a teacher all have in common?

“They expect their Congressman to work for them. But Juan Ciscomani hasn't.”


“My Congressman, Juan Ciscomani, promised to help all Arizonans.”


“But he voted to protect millionaires who cheat on their taxes, but opposed tax breaks for people like me.”


“Congressman Ciscomani, that may help your big donors but it doesn't do a thing to help me.”


“So call the congressman and tell him it's time to make the wealthy pay their fair share.”

The ad is available online HERE.


Advancing AZ