Schweikert, Ciscomani Ignore Arizonans’ Demand for Lower Costs, Again

House to Vote on Impeachment

PHOENIX —  Honest Arizona executive director Andrea Moreno released the following statement after Congressmen David Schweikert and Juan Ciscomani opted to spend their last days before end-of-year recess voting to authorize an impeachment inquiry and ignoring the will of their constituents:

“Congressmen Schweikert and Ciscomani have voted this year to cut taxes for corporations  and voted to raise costs on Arizona families. At a time when Arizonans are demanding lower prescription drug costs and lower energy bills, the two Congressmen are supporting spending bills that would raise energy costs and siding with Big Pharma, who wants to undermine Medicare's power to negotiate lower drug prices. Schweikert and Ciscomani are wasting the remaining time they have before the holiday break by playing political games instead of doing what's right by their constituents. It's time for them to start looking out for Arizonans.”


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