ICYMI: Through CHIPS Act that Schweikert Voted Against, TSMC's AZ Factories Set To Get More Funding to Expand, Create Jobs
ICYMI: Arizona Families Benefit From Cost-Saving Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Tax Credits That Congressman Schweikert Voted Against & Now Wants to Repeal
ICYMI: Affordable Care Act Covers Record Number of Arizonans, House Republicans Want to Cut It
As Spring Training Winds Down, Schweikert Already Proving to Be MVP for Wealthy & Corporations
House Moves Ahead on Funding the Government Despite Ciscomani Spending Months Voting For Harmful Cuts to Critical Services for Arizonans
Biden Visits AZ to Champion Job-Creating Laws Schweikert Voted Against
Biden’s Budget Expands Inflation Reduction Act’s Rx Price Negotiation
Biden Budget Proposal Strengthens IRS's Ability to Go After Tax Cheats
Arizonan Reacts to State of Union Address in Spanish, Urges Ciscomani to Support Expansion of Inflation Reduction Act’s Rx Price Negotiation
Schweikert Again Puts Extremism Ahead of Arizona Families
NEW: GOP Tax Scam Schweikert Voted For Helped Corporations Avoid Paying Their Fair Share
Children’s Books Tells Story of Schweikert, Ciscomani’s Record of Standing with Corporations and Tax Cheats While Threatening Arizonans’ Access To Hard-Earned Benefits
ICYMI: AZ Legislator, Public School Teacher Calls Out Ciscomani's Votes To Cut Public Education
Arizonans, Advocates Call Out Schwikert’s Record Of Voting to Cut Social Security Or Medicare 12 Times
Arizonans, Advocates Call Out Ciscomani's Record Threatening Social Security & Medicare
Will You Be My Valentine? Honest Arizona Delivers Valentines from Corporations and the Wealthy to Ciscomani
ICYMI: Schweikert’s Social Security & Medicare Record on Display at WM Open
Despite Schweikert, Ciscomani Opposition, IRS Set To Recoup Over $500 Billion From Tax Cheats
Honest Arizona Releases New Video Showing Ciscomani’s True Record of Opposing Arizonans’ Priorities and Helping Rich Tax Cheats
ICYMI: Arizonans Hold Press Conference to Call Out Ciscomani For Voting For Education Cuts